eProMail (emailsrvr.com) Server Settings

The following host names and ports should be used with our epromail service. We recommend using the SSL secured host name and ports as far as possible.

Incoming server host names and ports are as follows:

Incoming Server Type Server Name Port
POP3 pop.emailsrvr.com 110
IMAP imap.emailsrvr.com 143
POP3 with SSL secure.emailsrvr.com 995
IMAP with SSL secure.emailsrvr.com 993

Outgoing server host names and ports are as follows:

Outgoing Server Type Server Name Port
SMTP smtp.emailsrvr.com 25, 587
8025 or 2525
SMTP with SSL secure.emailsrvr.com 465

You should also enable outgoing SMTP server authentication in mail clients like Outlook. Your username will be you full email address and not just the part before @, eg. you@yourdomain.com

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